Join Us For The Next
International Pageant

July 26th and 27th


The Accomplishments
Of Today's
Married Women®

Mrs. New England International®

Janet Desmarais


My dad passed away when I was 7 leaving my mom to raise my sister’s and me as a single parent. She was a homemaker who joined the outside workforce while putting herself through college. I watched her provide a loving home while reaching her goals and setting examples of strength, endurance and courage. Her perseverance has shown me that there is nothing that is not in arm’s reach.

Losing my dad at an early age I retreated into my own world of sadness even with my loving supporting home. I found comfort from my buddy, a stuffed monkey. The feelings I had during this time has inspired me to share my story and start the Buddy Movement, collecting stuffed animals to be distributed to children during their time of need so they too can have a sense of comfort from their new buddy.

Being a daughter of an inventor you are blessed with seeing these wonderful creations throughout your house and the world. One of my favorite inventions of his would be the air wedge, which was designed to allow tractor trailer to drive faster. When I am traveling and I see his invention I am reminded that one person can make a difference and place their mark on the world.

Nona is my beautiful sister that lost her battle with Cancer July 17th, 2009 at the age of 44. She has taught me to remember my moments, smile because you can, breathe in life and never stop giving even when you may feel you have nothing to give. She is my angel and my inner voice who inspires me to be the best person I can be in my journey.

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